
Run Databricks Notebooks from DevOps

Python packages are easy to test in isolation. But what if packaging your code is not an option, and you do want to automatically verify that your code actually works, you could run your databricks notebook from Azure DevOps directly using the databricks-cli.

Enhance Your Databricks Workflow

With databricks-connect you can connect your favorite IDE to your Databricks cluster. This means that you can now lint, test, and package the code that you want to run on Databricks more easily:

Test Python Code

Writing unit tests should an integral part of delivering software for every developer. Whenever a piece of code is changed, it has the potential to break all other parts. The broken parts can even be discovered in a far later stage, having caused potential damage that is hard to restore.

Test Code in Databricks Notebooks

Companies hire developers to write spark applications – using expensive Databricks clusters – transforming and delivering business-critical data to the end user. It is advised to properly test your software: enhance your databricks workflow. But if there is no time to set up proper package testing, there is always the hacker way of running tests right inside of Databricks notebooks.